Banktivity 8 manual
Banktivity 8 manual

I can see many NON US users staying put on V7 or looking for alternatives. Unique Quicken Features Viewing of investment balances. Once they resolve ASX feeds I will jump to Silver. Live chat, user manual, and video tutorials available. If I get 10-12 usability improvements I will be content with a Bronze subscription model and have faith that this model will finance more active development (I recall Bank 4 was very well supported and enhanced). If you need multiple currencies sounds like you will have to go GOLD and hope they have addressed your current issues, you should be able to ascertain that thru the trial. In addition UK customers will see no resolution to the Open Banking changes based on the replies from IGG. For investment features, you need a Silver plan (69.99 per year) and for multi-currency support, you need a Gold subscription at 99.99 per year. It was clear that, at this time IEX will continue to provide securities data so whatever does not work today will continue to be broken in V8 (unless IEX resolves it). However, the latest version of Banktivity 8 is only a subscription, but by default it means direct access with this bronze plan, starting at 49.99 per year. The delta cost vs a DA subscription is negligible. My take out is that for Non US Customers you may as well go Bronze and get whatever enhancements are made to today's core functions. I just finished reading the blog post at the IGG website and the comments/questions.


Sad, but certainly not the first really good software that dies of neglect.(and for perspective, I work for a small software company, and part of my job is deciding features and implementation, and juggling customer satisfaction and marketing/sales wishes, so I understand it's not an easy task.) None of those seem difficult, and have been discussed back when they used to discuss, but none have made it into the software all these years later. Things like: fixing tab order in some of the data entry areas, investments storing a default dividend strategy (ie, default AAPL to "reinvest", just like my brokerage does), let me see the Note and the Memo fields in the register, make itemizing my monthly paycheck smoother (it's horrible now I still have to cut/paste from a stored transaction and adjust the items that vary each month), global search for a vendor rather than having to search each credit card and direct account individually. The features they still haven't delivered for me are mostly very small interface improvements that would dramatically improve my workflow. Like so many others here, I'm not so interested in the online features because I don't trust them to keep my access secure, so I'm fine with logging in individually and downloading, but it almost seems like they've intentionally not implemented features to make that easier, perhaps to push you toward paying for the "automated" service, though reviews of that are so bad, I can't imagine paying for it only to be disappointed. So when I say "unseen", I'm assuming that I'll be paying the subscription fee and just hoping they implement fixes and improvements at some point in the future. I am making a bit of an assumption here on the subscription model, which is that you won't be able to let your subscription lapse then pick it back up at any time once they implement the feature you want.

Banktivity 8 manual